We are excited to say that our online Orkney Cloud Magazine has just been launched at…

orkneycloud.org/magazine [click to read…]

Online Magazine Launched

This magazine is our initial answer to, what could an Orkney Cloud be? It Is an anthology of Orkney Cloud incubated projects and inspirations; a weaving together of people and possibilities that could become an Orkney Cloud. And it is not comprehensive. At present, we have thirteen separate projects being incubated in the Orkney Cloud, services ranging from tourism to transport, from archaeology to addressing fuel poverty.

We invited contributions from those who are building the Orkney Cloud, islanders who are already weaving energy and data networks together, to explain their projects and share their futures.

Within the magazine we explore an Orkney Cloud as both technology and experience. There are more technical articles (‘Orkney Cloud Data Centre’ by Philippe Bonnet), more social articles about the role of community (‘An Orkney Way’ by Gareth Davies), artworks that create possibilities, a science fiction short story, and ongoing projects (such as ‘A Day in the
Life of an Islands’ ISP’ on the LoRA network by CloudNet.

We believe that the lessons learned in this Orkney Cloud are relevant to similar edge communities worldwide. So we invite you to our stormy edge, to experience our many community-led data services that are just beginning…

Find out what others are saying using our hashtag #orkneycloud

Online Magazine Launched 1

Categories: Uncategorized

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